ACE CEC Approved Courses

10 Ways to Support the Adherence of New and Returning Exercisers Graphic, ACE approved for 0.10 CECs, Christin Eversons logo, CE in a green circle, also includes a photo of two women exercising together

10 Ways to Support the Adherence of New and Returning Exercisers

Supporting new and returning exercisers to maintain their fitness routines requires innovative and empathetic approaches, especially in today’s world where many struggle to adhere to regular physical activity. This course dives into the psychology and practical strategies needed to create welcoming and supportive fitness environments by offering fresh perspectives on how to enhance exercise adherence and foster a sense of belonging among all exercisers.

CECs: ACE 0.10

Cost: $35

Caring for yourself while supporting others graphic, ACE approved 0.10 CECs, Christin Eversons logo CE with green circle,  women stretching and smiling

Caring for Yourself While Supporting Others

You spend your days caring for the wellness of others, yet making time for your comprehensive health can be hard. Do you find yourself feeling burnt out or in a rut? Even with the advanced knowledge and skills you hold, addressing your well-being may not be easy.

This course explores the unique challenges health and fitness pros can experience and validates that you are not alone. You will learn how to reflect on your own comprehensive well-being and use targeted behavior change principles and motivation concepts to better care for yourself and your clients.

CECs: ACE 0.10

Cost: $35

Recorded Workshops

  • The Managers Guide to Retaining New Exercisers in Your Facility

    This one hour course will help GMs and Fitness Managers have a deeper understanding of the needs of new exercisers in fitness spaces. We discuss the comprehensive member experience and how new exercisers are impacted by our marketing, operations, communication, customer service, and programming. I provide specific action items that will help you deliver more intentional care for your members, which will positively affect their experience and adherence and your retention.

    Course Takeaways

    1. Define the standard new exerciser experience, their feelings about exercise spaces, and their unique needs.

    2. Identify key practices to best serve and retain new members.

    3. Identify specific action items within each of the five areas of impact: communication, customer service, marketing, operations, and programming.

    4. Three steps to implementing changes to your member experience.

    Cost: $30